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Am I covered by the CNESST (Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail) ?

As a member of the GMMQ, you can take advantage of a number of benefits, notably coverage from the CNESST in the event of an industrial accident or an occupational disease, subject to a few exceptions.

What is the CNESST?

La commission des normes de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité is the organization to which the Government of Quebec has entrusted the promotion of labour rights and obligations. It guarantees that those rights and obligations will be respected by Quebec workers and employers.[1]

Who is covered?

When you are a member of the GMMQ, you have access to the protections offered by the CNESST. This organization recognizes that producers are employers as defined by the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (AIAOD). Therefore, musicians can access rehabilitation services, care, or income replacement indemnities just like a worker recognized under the Act respecting occupational health and safety (AOHS). 

Eligibility criteria:

  • you provide a service to a producer in Québec;
  • you are remunerated personally and not through a corporation or registered company;
  • you provide a service through a contract with a producer.

Services provided outside Quebec:

If, while performing outside Québec, you suffer an industrial accident and you fulfill the CNESST eligibility criteria cited above, you can then be eligible for indemnities stipulated in the AIAOD if:

  • you are domiciled in Québec when you provide the service;
  • you live outside Québec in order to provide your services for a maximum of five (5) consecutive years.


  • According to the AIAOD, you have six (6) months starting from the date of the accident or the knowledge of its occurence to file a worker’s claim with the CNESST. It is therefore important to act swiftly in order to ensure that you are in compliance with legal requirements.
  • If you act as a producer through an incorporated or registered company, you must be in compliance with the provisions of CNESST law when you hire musicians.

For any questions, please contact Louis Leclerc, labor relations director: 514 842-2866, ext. 241.

[1] http://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/a-propos-de-la-CNESST/Pages/a-propos-de-la-CNESST.aspx


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